Welcome to the world of academic, student-led discussion forums! Before you get started, please review the following:
1. All policies covered in MISD's Acceptable Use Policy apply. That pretty much means that your behavior here should mirror or improve upon your behavior at school. Post nothing inappropriate or non-academically related or you will be banned from all MISD computers, to start with....just don't go there.
2. To enter a forum, click on the name of that forum. It's a link. To reply to a topic, select 'reply' and post away! To start a new topic, click 'start new topic!' You may not start new forums or categories - only I, your herd leader, may do so.
3. I will check all forum activity for grading on Fridays. Make sure that you have been active (responding to topics, creating topics, answering each others' questions and making useful comments etc...) by the time your class meets that day.
4. Please read "How to Write an A+ Academic Post" prior to getting started with your group. If you are writing in text-speak or deliberately ignoring ye Olde English Rules for example, that will factor negatively into your points and may cause your post to be deleted.
5. Please use the 'quote' button when replying to or commenting upon another group member's post. It makes conversations much easier to follow.
6. Textual evidence is a really, really good thing. It strengthens your argument by epic proportions. No lie.
7. You MUST REPLY directly to this post with a short paraphrased summary of 3-5 of your rules/tips in the style covered in the article linked on #4. Sign with your first name, last initial, reading class period, and group name. Worth 100 points and due by WEDNESDAY!!!!
"Remember what the doormouse said; feed your head!" -Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Make sure to behave while using MISD websites. While on this website, you must use proper writing skills. Make sure to stay active and talking with your groups. When answering a question, evidence would be great.
First you want to prepare yourself by reading up on the topic, according to the article. Then you need to brainstorm ideas about what you want to say to your professor ( our wonderful Herd leader Mrs. Law ) and your peers. Next you want to gather the cites and cite your sources so you don't plagiarize.
-Evan B
Use proper grammer, which means you can't use symbols like you would when you text. Understand your topic. Give your response a meanig and make it important. Respect your peers. Don't do anything that is wrong.
it talks about the rules that you need to follow on here and that you need textual evidence because it is really important . you also need to know what your doing by understanding your topic and using correct grammer .
This is about the rules and how we are supposed to use this website. We cannot reply anything inappropriate or un-yak like. We can reply or start a new topic or reply to one that is already listed.
Basically know what your posting on, think about the points you'll make in the post, and no playiarizeing. Also, don't ramble in your post. Make it good yet to the point. FOLLOW ALL OF THE RULES!!!!!!!
Reese G. period 4 Sqqqqqqqqaaaaaaaaadddddddd
-- Edited by jgray02 on Tuesday 29th of April 2014 03:08:56 PM
-- Edited by jgray02 on Tuesday 29th of April 2014 03:10:09 PM
Reply and post on these forums with appropriate topics that are relevant, don't ramble on in posts, follow proper grammar and english rules with your posts, include evidence as much as possible (no plagiarizing, and more provable answers.
You should act on this website how you would in school. To enter a forum, you need to click on the name of the forum (which is a link) and then reply. You also need to be active and on topic on thise forums. Lastly, evidence helps support your arguments!
Luisa D!!!!!!!!! Period 3/ The Unfinished Cheeto Company
-- Edited by Luisa d on Tuesday 29th of April 2014 04:00:21 PM
Think about the point try to limit yourself and topic and make sure your point is relevant.An A+ posting will make that connection between the theories and ideas in real life.
Don't post anything that is off topic and anything inappropriate, all forum activities will be graded on Friday by the time class meets, write textual evidence(it strengthens the argument), and lastly, if you write in text or ignoring the English rules, then it will count you points and cause your post to be deleted.
The Rules say to not post anything that is not appropriate for school. Also, you must post with correct grammar and spelling. Lastly, you must prove your answers with text evidence. Not following any of these will result in consequences or getting your post deleted.
The rules say you must post with correct grammar and spelling, give meaning to your posts by going into detail about what you're responding to, and cite your sources/gather references because it will strengthen your argument.
The post is saying that do what you would do at school, you should do online, but better knowing that this is the accessible to anyone. use your thoughts wisely and appropriately. DO NOT start any new topics unless or herd leader...aka (mrs.law)
Make sure to behave just like we would in school while participating on this website. Also, we need to be actively replying to our groups topics, answering each others questions, and making useful comments without using "text-speak".
it states the rules you need to follow to continue using this way of communicating. it also states that we need to use proper way to communicate with each other or else we will be banned from MISD computers. it says that we shouldn't say any wrong things to each other, but to treat each other with respect. you should also support your comments with descriptive details and meaning. BEHAVE AS YOU WOULD BEHAVE AT SCHOOL
Keep all of your posts on topic and use correct english grammar. Stay out of other groups conversations. Make sure to behave yourself and stay active when communicating with your classmates.
the rules say that we need to stay within our group and not enter any other groups conversations. how we need to keep our topic and how any other topic is not needed. also that we need to stay SCHOOL APPROPRIATE ex. no cruel language,no rude comments, and nothing inappropriate.
Keep all of your posts on topic and use correct english grammar. Stay out of other groups conversations. Make sure to behave yourself and stay active when communicating with your classmates.
No creeping up on other groups, because it's none of your business. School appropriate language when on here at all times or they're WILL be consequences. They're should be correct grammar,punctuation,and etc.
Stay on topic and be mature while using this website as well as all MISD sites. Chat with your group and discuss the book with them. Use correct english and stay out of other groups.
When posting, stay on topic and be sure to use proper English and grammar. Also, do not enter other groups forums, and be sure to follow the MISD school district's rules.
Some tips are to Recognize of purpose discussions. Also to always be prepared and prepare yourself. Not only that but to express sow of yourself in your posting.
Micah Peterson. Period: 4/5 Group: You'reBasic
-- Edited by PrincessMicah_P on Tuesday 29th of April 2014 08:08:37 PM
Make sure to use proper English and correct grammar.(No texting words) Never post anything inappropriate or else you'll be forbidden to use MISD school computers. Textual evidence is amazing. Understand the topic and what your talking about. Communicate with your group mates!
~Maddie S. Period:3 Group: The Nothings
The rules state that you should not post anything inappropriate. Also do not go in any other groups other than your own. Post things that would make sense to the topic and not anything silly,especially if it is not academic/educational.
Madison H. P.4 #you'rebasic
-- Edited by Madisonh4701 on Tuesday 29th of April 2014 06:45:49 PM
The rules set before us give us the propositions that the MISD Acceptable Use Policy applies here just as it does at school, don't post any inappropriate things (seeing as though not only is this for school but what is put on the Internet stays on the Internet), and each post needs to be picture perfect, grammar and spellchecked.
Don't post anything inappropriate or you have consequences. also stay in your group area and pay attention to each other. treat each other with respect.BYour have to prove yourself with evidence to get points for your grade.
All posts need to be school appropriate and have some thing to do with the discussion. On Fridays we will be graded so we will need to stay active. Also all posts need to have correct grammar and spelling.
My paraphrased summary is use appropriate language meaning don't post things your parents would't allopw you to say. To reply to a post press reply. Always use textual evidence when starting a new topicsd or if you have questions.
madison b
period 1
group name
#super swag
-- Edited by madisonb214912 on Wednesday 30th of April 2014 07:24:57 AM
-- Edited by madisonb214912 on Wednesday 30th of April 2014 07:26:18 AM
To sum it all up, use the same type of language you would use if you were to talk to your teacher or get banned. Use appropriate grammar when replying to a post. When having an arugment, act like you are face to face and use good text evidence to support your claim.
it talks about the rules that you need to follow on here and that you need textual evidence because it is really important . you also need to know what your doing by understanding your topic and using correct grammer .
Rylee H , period 3 , #squad .
Ironically, Rylee, I must remind you to use capital letters when starting sentences and to use the correct you're/your for what you mean to say - good grammar guidelines!
"Remember what the doormouse said; feed your head!" -Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
The post is saying that do what you would do at school, you should do online, but better knowing that this is the accessible to anyone. use your thoughts wisely and appropriately. DO NOT start any new topics unless or herd leader...aka (mrs.law)
Very thoughtfully stated! Good idea to always be careful what you say online. Just to clarify - you CAN start a new topic in your group! You can start a topic anytime you feel the need to. Just keep it relevant to the book and no SPOILERS from future reading.....
"Remember what the doormouse said; feed your head!" -Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
the rules say that we need to stay within our group and not enter any other groups conversations. how we need to keep our topic and how any other topic is not needed. also that we need to stay SCHOOL APPROPRIATE ex. no cruel language,no rude comments, and nothing inappropriate.
alyssa t , period 3 , r . a . z . o . j (swag)
Thanks, Alyssa! Remember to use capital letters when starting sentences.
"Remember what the doormouse said; feed your head!" -Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Don't post anything inappropriate or you have consequences. also stay in your group area and pay attention to each other. treat each other with respect.BYour have to prove yourself with evidence to get points for your grade.
Misha! Watch the capital letters when starting sentences, please!
"Remember what the doormouse said; feed your head!" -Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Also - no 'text language,' and user must respect the rules of the English language. Please use capital letters when starting sentences, use correct punctuation, spelling, etc...
"Remember what the doormouse said; feed your head!" -Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Please redo your username to feature your first name and last initial. 'Bob' isn't going to work!
Also - thou shalt respect the rules of English grammar when posting. Use capital letters to start sentences and use meaningful punctuation to separate sentences and ideas.
You can indeed start new topics within your group forum.
"Remember what the doormouse said; feed your head!" -Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Don't post anything inappropriate or non-school related or you will be banned. Use proper grammer and spelling while on the website. Use textual evidence while answering questions.
While using this website you must use proper english, NOT text language. That includes all right uses of punctuation etc. You must play by DJMS rules and don't post anything innapropriate. Make sure to be active and reply to any questions from any group members. Don't start new forums but you may start new topics. Use lots of evidence and keep up with all reading assinments.